Ascent boasts a warm and inviting facility that includes 31 guest rooms (75 beds) in the original Ascent hostel, which includes a few private rooms, plus an additional 38 private rooms in the newly acquired adjacent Tel Aviv Hotel.
The accommodations are simple, but clean and comfortable. (Those desiring more luxurious accommodation can stay at a local hotel or rent a private guest house, and still make arrangements to participate in Ascent’s meals and/or programs)
Meals at Ascent are not just about food. They are a festive time to experience the company of fellow Ascent guests, to share ideas, and relax together.
On all weekends, meals are provided for Friday dinner, Saturday lunch, and Saturday dinner. Light refreshments are also served on Saturday mornings and afternoons. Usually, Ascent guests are hosted by local families for the Friday night meal, which provides an engaging experience for both guests and hosts to meet new people.
During extended three-day Weekend Retreat programs, meals are also served for Thursday dinner, Friday breakfast, and a light lunch on Friday.
We do our best to accommodate dietary restrictions and allergies. Please make your special requests when registering.
Our Facilities

Kabbalah Cave
A unique enchanted cave, usually filled with beautiful music, thoughts, food and people

Lower Porch
Find a place of music, laughter and reflection, enveloped by panoramic views of Mt Meron, Amuka and Rosh Pina

Shwartzie's Porch
Enjoy unforgettable sunsets and breathtaking views of Tzfat's forests, valleys and mountains, and the Kinneret

Lose yourself through Immersion in ancient and contemporary texts at your own leisure or with the help of one of our friendly and talented staff

Tea Garden
A secluded and shaded oasis to connect with nature, yourself and others

The Lounge
Kick back and chill with awesome Rabbis, Madrichim, strangers and friends at all hours of the day (and night)