It is an important concept in Chasidut, that holidays are not only commemorations of past events, but each of us, together and separately, are actually reliving the same events again, now. This very much relates to the holiday of Shavuot, Chag Matan Torateynu, (the Giving of the Torah), on the […]
Yearly Archives: 2022
TANYA TASTER From GPS for the Soul:A clear, easy to understand exploration of the Tanya’s essential concepts. Author: Rabbi Nadav Cohen. Translator: Zalman Nelson. One of my favorite parts of GPS for the Soul What is Kavanah? Every mitzvah [commandment] should be accompanied by a feeling of love […]
TANYA TASTER: Rabbi “BIG MO” Siev Monthly Message
1 Iyar (May 2) — Second day Rosh Chodesh2 Iyar (May 3) Tiferet sh’b’tiferet – Birthday of the Rebbe MaHaRash, the fourth Lubavitcher Rebbe; yahrzeit of Chasidic masters Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Vitebsk and Rabbi Shmuel-Shelke of Nicholsburg3 Iyar (May 4) — Memorial Day for Israel’s fallen soldiers4 Iyar (May 5) — Independence Day – The seventy fourth […]