THE POWER OF A JOKE… A personal story from Rabbi Leiter


When you have a personal connection to a story, it always makes the impact greater.

There were two brothers in Monsey NY, Rabbi Azriel and Rabbi Yechiel Tauber, both community leaders who worked together for the sake of the growing Jewish community. Reb Azriel was more involved in community affairs and Reb Yechiel was more involved in education. I met Reb Azriel in the 90’s.  

Although they had no personal connection to Chabad chassidim or the Lubavitcher Rebbe, they nevertheless were instrumental in bringing some of the first classes of Chassidut to Monsey. 

Here is the story. Reb Yechiel was once in Brooklyn and decided to attend one of the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s public talks, called a farbrengen. Weekday farbrengens were broadcast over loud speakers. He walked into the hall, and even before getting all the way in, was shocked when he heard the Rebbe’s words.

The Rebbe was telling a joke! He couldn’t understand how this could be, it seemed inappropriate to him, that a Torah scholar would be telling a joke in such a gathering, but he never mentioned his feelings to anyone. He did not stay much longer.

One Friday night sometime later, he hosted a couple who were ba’alei teshuva (newly returned to a Torah lifestyle).
The wife related that she was born in Crown Heights but was never interested in Judaism or Chabad. One day, at the suggestion of a friend, she decided to attend one of the Rebbe’s talks. She continued, “I went into the women’s area and so regretted it. Why did I come here? I really felt that I didn’t belong at all.”

“Then I heard the Rebbe tell a joke – and everyone burst out laughing. I don’t know why, but I suddenly felt a part of what was going on and I decided to come closer to Judaism. I wanted to be as full of joy and enthusiasm as the Rebbe and his chassidim!”

Rabbi Tauber was stunned. He realized that the Rebbe was a very G-dly, holy person and that all his words and actions had purpose and meaning. After this, Rabbi Tauber, together with his brother, began the first class in Chassidut in Monsey.

When Adar arrives, we increase in happiness. Happy Adar & happy Purim!

Rabbi Shaul Leiter, Ascent.