What’s been happening this month in Ascent


Note: the students/soldiers are not wearing masks because they are considered a “capsule” unit when they are together.

This is a secular Israeli group who come annually to Ascent at this time of year. They spend a month living at Ascent in order to learn about and experience the lifestyle of the observant Jewish community in Tsfat. Feedback, as in past years – “An unforgettable learning experience”, “I see how much we have in common”, “I’m so grateful to meet, understand and appreciate this community”.


Each year, Ascent’s Selichot programs, held before the High Holidays, for individuals and various groups, are very popular.
Due to COVID-19, the IDF requested that Ascent organise the Selichot programs, not as usual through the crowded alleways of the Old City of Tsfat, but in open areas outside the city. Two new routes were created, one following pathways that are 2,000 years old!
To the light of the moon, the sound of the shofar and stirring musical accompaniment, the soldiers learn about the meaning of the penitential Selichot prayers and the High Holidays.
This “new style” program has received very positive feedback, so much so that the IDF are bringing more groups than originally planned this year! A silver lining as Ascent again rises to the challenge, creating an even more meaningful and inspiring program.

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