michal avrahamov

“I’m holding tight…take them out now!” During the Seven Days of Mourning after the passing of the former chief rabbi of Israel, HaRav Mordechai Eliyahu, in 2010, former IDF general and Knesset member Mr. Effi Eitam came to Jerusalem to fulfill the mitzvah of comforting mourners. While there in the […]

Trapped in a Hezbollah Mine Field

1 Sivan (May 31) Rosh Chodesh Sivan 5 Sivan (June 3-4) Shabbat Naso (in Israel, outside of Israel Parshat Bamidbar), Torah Reading: Numbers 4:21-7:89; Haftarah: Judges 13:2-25; Pirkei Avot: Chapter 6 6 Sivan (June 4-5) Shavuot, festival celebrating the revelation of the Torah at Mt.Sinai. Shavuot also celebrates the Harvest, […]

Mystical Month of SIVAN