“Who was the special stranger in the coach?” Everyone in town was dressed in their festive best in honor of the great occasion. Guests of exalted stature were arriving from everywhere in the region. Not every day, or even every year, did such a momentous event take place: The holy […]
michal avrahamov
Though there are different customs for the Ashkenazi and Sephardi communities, everyone agrees that for much of the Jewish month of Iyar the Jewish community observes a mourning period. This mourning period is connected to the Talmud’s discussion of the 24,000 students of Rabbi Akivah, who all passed away during […]
“His life was saved by his own love for another ...
“Do you promise that you won’t tell?” In New York City there is a program called ‘Released Hour’, in which any child who wants to can get released from public school once a week one hour early and go to participate in a class about his religion with a […]