The month of Elul is the month of preparation for the High Holidays. You might ask, why do we need a month of preparation? What is so complicated about eating four sumptuous meals and fasting on Yom Kippur? One answer is that the High Holidays are akin to a home […]
Rabbi Leiter Personal Story
“We have a chance to repair negative hearing during the month of Av.” Dear Friend – Shalom and blessings from Ascent and holy Tsfat, A true story: Even small cities in Israel have their own chief rabbi. Part of his job is to officiate at weddings. Even if he is […]
Listen up!
As my 70th birthday approached, Shushan Purim, my children decided to make a weekend getaway birthday celebration just for the adult children (and infants of course), in Jerusalem. I was immediately against it. I see myself as a low maintenance person. I was really not interested in my married children […]