“Is there no minyan [prayer quorum] … in the Catskills?!” Rabbi Leibel [Yehuda Leib) Groner z”l [1931-2020] was the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s personal secretary for forty years and a great help for many thousands of chasidim and others who wanted to connect to the Rebbe. I heard the following story from […]
Rabbi Leiter Personal Story
“…the donkey continued climbing.” Shalom to the Ascent community from the holy city of Tsfat, during these most special days of Elul. The Torah tells us that much less effort is required to feel the energy of these days here in the Holy Land than outside of Israel. The approach […]
“Who Will Live & Who Will Die?” : Rabbi Leiter’s ...
It’s true that when the month of Menachem Av arrives we lessen our joyous activities and emotions due to the mourning period of the Nine Days leading up to the fast of the 9th of Av. Right in the middle of the Nine Days is a ray of shining light […]