“Must be bad news…” Cheshvan is the first month after the High Holidays. A main theme of the month is “And Yaakov went on his way” (Genesis/Bereishit 32:2). Each of the Jewish people is called Yaakov and our mission after the High Holidays is to take the lessons we […]
Rabbi Leiter Personal Story
“The Arab farmers were ecstatic.” Chaya Bracha and I just celebrated our 42nd anniversary. Five times seven. Every seven years is a Sabbatical year when it is forbidden to work the land of Israel. In the time of the Temple, some slaves were freed and all debts forgiven. […]
Every seven years is a Sabbatical…: Personal Story from Rabbi ...
Rosh Hashanah and Elul, the month preceding it – why are they so important? Each of us has their own particular pivotal experiences or realizations. Those “ah-ha” moments that are so crucial to anyone who is involved in personal growth and development, especially spiritual growth and development. It is those […]