“When the Rebbe is the boss, anything and everything is possible” : Personal Story from Rabbi Shaul Leiter

My wife, Chaya Bracha, and I met in Israel in 1979, married in New York, and afterward moved to Tsfat for the first year of our marriage. The Lubavitcher Rebbe was consistently involved in our lives and in Ascent. 

This started with a private audience after our wedding. The Rebbe just gave blessings for five minutes, including that we should be shining examples to others. In 1981 after a year of studying in Kollel (yeshivah for married men), Chaya Bracha and I both wrote to the Rebbe about returning to the US. I wanted to go and Chaya Bracha wanted to stay. We received a three-word answer: Kadimah sheyamshichu b’Tsfat – “Going forward, continue in Tsfat”.

Can’t get much clearer than that!

 In 1984, less than a year after Ascent began, I had experienced a few too many difficult experiences with raising funds and decided it was not for me. I wrote to the Rebbe, giving a report of our activities but mostly asking for permission to leave Israel with my family to return to NY and take a regular job. 

Apparently, I had forgotten the first answer we had received!

In my youthful arrogance, I assured the Rebbe I would make enough money to support ten institutions like Ascent.  The Rebbe’s answer, a page long, (printed in Likkutei Sichot, volume 23, page 466 – see image) first said that the Rebbe was pleased with the good news about our activities to spread Judaism imbued with the light and warmth of Chasidut and that we should do this with dedication and enthusiasm. But it was the second line that stopped me cold. The Rebbe wrote that we see that actions done with happiness and enthusiasm succeed much more.  And further, that may it be that we continue in a way of adding, progress and light. The Rebbe told me (in a nice way) to stop complaining and get back to work! 

In 1989 the Rebbe announced an international campaign of Shnat Binyan, a year of building and growing. The Rebbe was asking all of his chasidim to physically add to their homes and institutions and even buy new buildings. The Rebbe distributed checks for $100 to whoever sent in a report. The pressure was on.

A former family-run hotel, Pension Friedman, came up for sale in 1990. Four other communities in Tsfat tried to purchase it, but were all turned down. We approached Mrs. Friedman, a widow, and soon after went to contract and signed. 

I asked Mrs. Friedman why she agreed to sign with us and not all the others? She answered that her husband, Fischel, came to her in a dream the night before and told her to sell to Rabbi Leiter! 

But still, we did not have any funds. Right after signing, I flew to New York and the first Sunday waited in line for “dollars” to ask the Rebbe for a blessing. While there were many times that the Rebbe distributed dollars for tzedakah [charity], starting in 1986 until 1992 the Rebbe would stand outside his office every Sunday and distribute dollars to anyone who came, sometimes for four or more hours. When my turn came I informed the Rebbe that we had signed a contract to buy a property. The Rebbe gave me two dollars and said that if you put them in a charity box in the new building, you will have success in raising the money needed.

I right away called Israel and told Chaya Bracha and Yerachmiel Tilles, Ascent’s co-founder (together with Rabbi Moshe Wisnefsky) what the Rebbe had said. They immediately attached a charity box to the wall of Ascent and put in two other “Rebbe dollars”.

To make a long story short, there was a miracle. Ascent was able to purchase the property with the assistance of just four people! We had the funds in hand in six months. The Rebbe helped many more times over the years with blessings or instructions. But perhaps the main assistance was knowing the Rebbe was, and today too, is with us. When the Rebbe is the boss, anything and everything is possible. 

A tzadik [holy person] is even greater after his passing that when he is alive in a physical body. Studying the Rebbe’s Torah, giving tzedakah, lighting a candle in connection with his yahrzeit, are important ways to connect. If you are able to go to the Rebbe’s grave near the date of his yahrzeit, the 3rd of Tammuz (3 days before or 3 days after Shabbat, 3rd Tammuz, July 2) that is the best. If not, then write to the Rebbe. Everything you need to know is at www.ohel-lubavitch.com. May the Rebbe continue to help the Jewish people. 

Chodesh Tov, Shaul.