From Rabbi “Big MO” Siev’s travel diary…
When friends meet after a long absence, it is an occasion for joy. So much so, that our Sages suggest saying the bracha (blessing) Shehechiyanu – “Blessed are You, G-d, our L-rd, King of the universe, Who has kept us alive, sustained us and brought us to this (happy) time.”
On my travels for Ascent in Florida, I re-encountered a young man who had spent time in Israel this past year and a half, including several journeys up to Tsfat, to Ascent. When we met, he recognized me immediately.
To add to the joy of meeting again, I offered him my tefillin to put on in honor of Rosh Chodesh (the new month) of Adar. The joy of a mitzvah!
We parted with blessings that we should soon renew the joy of being together in Ascent, to do more mitzvot!
Some people think that to change the world, you need hundreds of people to do a mitzvah, but I know you can make a revolution – one Jew at a time!
Chodesh Tov!
[I am in the US until February 16th – WhatsApp +972-546-437-770
US cell -516-342-0158]