The Disappearing Candle- by Rabbi Yerachmiel Tilles

The tiny dancing flame was driving them away….

It was the first night of Chanukah. Outside a snowstorm raged, but inside it was tranquil and warm. The Rebbe, Reb Baruch of Mezhibuz, grandson of the Baal Shem Tov, stood in front of the menorah, surrounded by a crowd of his chassidim. He recited the blessing with great devotion, lit the single mitzvah candle, set the shamash (helper) candle in its designated place, and began to sing “HaNeirot Halalu.” His face radiated holiness and joy; the awed chassidim stared intently at him.

The flame of the candle was burning strongly. Rebbe and chassidim sat nearby and sang “Maoz Tsur” and other Chanukah songs. All of a sudden, the candle began to flicker and leap wildly, even though there wasn’t the slightest breeze in the house. It was as if it were dancing. Or struggling. And then, it disappeared!

It didn’t blow out—there was no smoke — it just wasn’t there anymore. It was as if it flew off somewhere else. The Rebbe himself seemed lost in thought. His attendant went over to re-light the wick, but the Rebbe waved him off. 

He motioned to the chassidim to continue singing. Several times, between tunes, the Rebbe spoke inspiring words of Torah. The evening passed delightfully, and the chassidim present had all but forgotten the disappearing Chanukah candle.

It was nearly midnight when the harsh screech of carriage wheels grating on the snow and ice exploded the tranquility. The door burst open and in came a chassid who hailed from a distant village. His appearance was shocking. His clothes were ripped and filthy, and his face was puffy and bleeding. And yet, in stark contrast to his physical state, his eyes were sparkling and his features shone with great joy.

He sat down at the table, and with all eyes upon him, began to speak excitedly. “This isn’t the first time I came to Mezhibuz by the forest route, and I know the way very well. But there was a terrible snowstorm this week, which greatly slowed my progress. I began to worry that I wouldn’t get here to be with the Rebbe for the first night of Chanukah. The thought disturbed me so much, I decided not to wait out the storm, but to plod ahead and travel day and night, in the hope that I could reach my destination on time.”

“That was a foolish idea, I must admit, but I didn’t realize that until too late. Last night, I ran into a gang of bandits, who were quite pleased to encounter me. They figured if I was out in this weather, at night, alone, I must be a wealthy merchant whose business could not brook delay. They demanded I surrender all of my money to them.”

“I endeavored to explain, I pleaded with them, but they absolutely refused to believe I had no money. They seized the reins of my horses, and leapt on my wagon. They sat themselves on either side of me to keep me under close surveillance, and then drove me and my wagon off to meet their chief to decide my fate.”

“While they waited for their leader to arrive, they questioned and cross-examined me in great detail, searched me and the wagon, and beat me, trying to elicit the secret of where I had hidden my money. I had nothing to tell them except the truth, and that they weren’t prepared to accept.” 

“After hours of this torture, they bound me and threw me, injured and exhausted, into a dark cellar. I was bleeding from the wounds they inflicted, and my whole body ached in pain. I lay there until the evening, when the gang leader came to speak with me.”

“I tried to the best of my ability to describe to him the great joy of being in the Rebbe’s presence, and how it was so important to me to get to the Rebbe by the start of the holiday that it was worth it to endanger myself by traveling at night.” 

“It seems that my words made an impression in him, or else he was persuaded by my adamancy even under torture. But whichever it was, thank Gd he released me from the handcuffs, saying:”

“‘I sense that your faith in G-d is strong and your longing to be with your Rebbe is genuine and intense. Now we shall see if this is the truth. I shall let you go, but you should know that the way is extremely dangerous. Even the most rugged people never venture into the heart of the forest alone, only in groups, and especially not in a storm and at night. You can leave and try your luck. And I am telling you, if you get through the forest and the other terrible conditions safely, unharmed by the ferocious wild beasts or anything else, then I will break up my gang and reform my ways.’ “

“‘If you actually reach the outskirts of the city, then throw your handkerchief into the ditch next to the road, behind the signpost there. One of my men, who set out earlier before you were locked in the cellar, will be waiting, and that is how I will know that you made it.’ “

“I then became terrified all over again. The hardships I had already endured were seared into my soul, and now even more frightening nightmares awaited me. But when I thought about how wonderful it is to be with the Rebbe at the menorah lighting, I shook off all my apprehensions and resolved not to delay another moment. My horse was returned to me and I set off on my way.”

“There was total darkness all around. I could hear the cries of the forest animals, and they sounded close. I feared that I was surrounded by a pack of vicious wolves.” 

“I crouched down over my horse’s neck and spurred him on. He refused to move in the pitch blackness. I lashed him. He didn’t budge.”

“I had no idea what to do. At that moment, a small light flickered in front of the carriage. The horse stepped eagerly towards it. The light advanced. The horse followed. All along the way, the wild animals fled from us, as if the tiny dancing flame was driving them away.”

“We followed that flame all the way here. I kept my end of the bargain and threw my handkerchief at the designated place. Who knows? Perhaps those cruel bandits will change their ways, all in the merit of that little light.”

It was only then that the chassidim noticed the Rebbe’s Chanukah candle had returned! There it was, burning in the elaborate menorah, its flame as strong and pure as if it had just been lit. 

With the conclusion of their comrade’s story, the chassidim were finally able to understand the mysterious disappearance of the Chanukah light and the puzzling words of the Rebbe Reb Baruch.


Source:  I translated this story from Sichos HaShavuah #53 and retold it. It appears in my second book, Festivals of the Full Moon (2016), but it was first published in Kfar Chabad Magazine – English, twenty years earlier.

Biographical note:

Rabbi Baruch [1753 – 18 Kislev, 1811] of Mezhibuz, the town of the Baal Shem Tov, was the son of R. Yechiel Ashkenazi and Adel, the daughter of the Baal Shem Tov. He was one of the pre-eminent Rebbes in the generation of the disciples of the Maggid of Mezritch and was the leader of thousands of chassidim.

Graphics: With thanks to Rifca Goldberg.


Rabbi Yerachmiel Tilles is co-founder of Ascent, webmaster and managing editor of and He has hundreds of published stories to his credit.

The books of Rabbi Yerachmiel Tilles can be purchased at


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