What’s been happening this month at Ascent

Ascent’s 37th Annual Tu Bi’Shvat Seder

Braving one of the coldest nights in Tsfat this winter, 45 celebrants from various parts of the world joined together at Ascent with a very warm spirit, to celebrate New Year for the Trees, led by  Rabbi Yerachmiel Tilles – for the 37th year. Inspiration and sweetness!

The custom of holding a Seder on this special date began with the Kabbalists of Tsfat in the 16th century. 

The tables were laden – red and white local wines (4 cups), delicious cakes and a splendid array of over 40 different fruits, divided into three spiritual categories. Each edible item has a symbolism. Either Biblical – the seven types of produce of the land of Israel praised in the Torah, or Kabbalistic – eaten in an order connected to the spiritual Worlds.

Looking forward to you joining us next year!




37 years of growth! 18th Shvat – the founding of Ascent.

37 years ago, Ascent opened its doors for the first time to give young people from Israel and around the world an experience of meaningful connection to Jewish values.
Over the years, Ascent has hosted over 490,000 people who have had the opportunity to open their hearts and reconnect to their identity and heritage.
Last year we hosted 60,225 people! And we expect over 80,000 in the coming year.
The longer people stay at Ascent, the more they connect with their inner self.