What’s been happening this month at Ascent

Students, Snow and Shabbat at Ascent

150 students from universities across Israel spent a long weekend at Ascent on January 16-18.

The students began their retreat with a visit to the snowy summit of Mount Hermon where they enjoyed the breathtaking white view and the snow, that many of them had never seen or played in before.

They returned to Ascent to warm their bodies and souls with a concert from leading Israeli musicians; wine and cheese tasting while touring Tsfat’s artist colony in the old city; delicious Shabbat meals, classes and activities that enabled them to connect to themselves and bond with their friends. 

The students enjoyed Ascent’s warm hospitality and came home from this weekend retreat invigorated and with a strengthened connection to the Jewish people.

In the upcoming winter months, we expect Chabad on Capmus to bring over 900 more students to long weekend retreats at Ascent.

Hundreds taste the Tree of Life at Ascent’s new Beit Midrash Program

Hundreds of students have already enjoyed learning at Ascent’s “Eitz HaHayim” (Tree of Life) Beit Midrash which began after Channukah.

Each of the 3 weekly meetings begins with a bowl of hot soup and meeting the other participants. Students can choose from classes such as “Interpersonal Communication”, “A Gate to Happiness” and “A Guidebook to Love and Relationships” and connect to themselves while learning valuable skills from the wisdom of the Torah and Chassidut.

Every week the Thursday night session ends on a happy note with a Hasidic Ja session which rocks into the wee hours of the night.

Though this tree has just been planted its branches are rapidly growing and connecting with new students from across the Galil!